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Romance Scam & Dating Fraud Investigation Service

Do you really know who you are talking to?  Whether you've met a person online, or in person, you truly likely do not know who they are. ValiDate™ offers a suite of services to protect you online and off from romance fraud and dating scams starting at just $416.

ValiDate Logo - ValiDate™ trademark of Spade And Archer™

What The FBI Says About
Romance Scams

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Consult with an expert.

Romance, dating and marriage scams

We Get The Truth During Online and Offline Relationships

We not only validate the person you have met, what they have told you, but we also provide Online dating privacy services.


We look into people. We validate things like criminal history, education, employment, conduct, and more. Our background investigations can be custom tailored to your exact specifications.

We can advise your or professionally take over when someone is blackmailing you. We provide blackmail remediation services to stop blackmail before it gets worse. If you are the victim of online blackmail, contact us before you do anything!


We help people navigate online dating safely. We provide a two-week program where you have an in-depth consultation with our professional ValiDate Detective. You will then be provided with two written  plans to help you safely navigate online dating safely.

Is someone telling you that if you don't do what they want, they will send your personal photos to so-and-so? If this happens to you, before you do anything, contact us to help stop the sextortion.


We help you privately date online while building a quality relationship with the right person. We help our clients maintain their privacy while meeting new people online.


We like to use our services proactively to help our clients, but sometimes our clients just need us to investigate a matter more deeply. We do this as licensed detectives who specialize in romance scams.

Why Choose Us For Romance Investigations?

love chat

We Advise

We help you avoid the pitfalls of Online dating, or help you gain clarity with someone you are already talking to.

dating icon

We Verify


We Protect

Romance detective will help you verify and validate key matters in any relationship, Online or offline.

We don't want to see you hurt or to loose your hard-earned money. We protect our clients with in-depth knowledge.

What Our Clients Say 

If you are involved in Online dating, we are the must have resource to protect your privacy and finances.

silhouette of woman that hired Romance Detective

"Worth every penny. I have heard of many who lost thousands. I am glad I hired you guys early on."

silhouette sextortion case

"I had lost $9,000 and was about to loose more when I went with my gut and hired the investigator. I was so stupid to fall for this. But I thank them for helping me."

in the shadows

"I'm an actor with a large IG following. Not bragging, just giving context. I gave the PI information on a girl I was interested in. Suffice it to say I dodged a bullet.

profile of client who lost a lot of money to romance scam

"I am 64 years old. I lost my son. I lost my husband all in one year. Then I lost $300,000 until I called this amazing investigator who stopped me from loosing more."

side profile of client who lost money in romance scam

"It's embarassing. I still am in shock that I fell for this, but thanks to these guys, I was able to curtail my losses."

Image by Kelly Sikkema

The Innocence Is Gone. Date With Caution.

This shouldn't be a chore. Love should be fun, exciting and motivating. However, there is a dark side to modern romance.

Many of us look for love the easy way — Online. In doing so, the bad guys know that we are seeking something innocent, so they exploit it. Romance gets used as a tool to manipulate peoples hearts, minds and pocket books.

The innocence is gone. Look at anything wholesome and you will find a  sicko attached to it. Religion, children, family, money all degraded by the twisted minds that concoct every conceivable notion to destroy the things we should trust.

Our romance dating detective services are here to help good and innocent people avoid the dangers of Online dating, protect their identities, and successfully vet people they are growing attached to.

Stay private when dating.

Don't become a victim to a romance scam. Let us anonymize you!

anonymous dating

Anonymous Dating

We pioneered anonymous dating by helping our clients establish dating profiles Online right the first time with honest information that protects their identity.

protected data

We Protect Your Security

We help each client establish secure protocols that protect your safety and privacy. No more giving out your personally identifiable information.


Professional Advice

You can't argue with someone who has helped hundreds of people with the exact same issue you are facing. Let our ValiDate™ Romance Detectives advise you appropriately on privacy and security.

Stop blackmail 

When scammers pressure you for money, this is blackmail. Attorneys can't help you, and most private investigators will spend money tracking someone they will never find. Let us help you with Online blackmail. We can stop the insanity pushed on you by these heartless manipulators. Let us provide our professional Blackout™ blackmail service.

Blackout™ purposefully obscures you with disinformation. Thus a veil is created between you and  the blackmailers. We willl have them completely looking in another direction while we protect you from attacks.

heart on glass - ValiDate™ romance scam investigators

Will the person know I hired  a private investigator? 

It is a common and fair question. Will they know that you hired a private investigator.? The answer is no. There is no way for a person to know we are validating the

What will I learn in a ValiDate™ investigation?

Each case is different. Most of the time we are validating photos, email addressess, phone numbers, names, addressess, and employment. Sometimes we ValiDate financial information.

How much does a ValiDate   private investigation cost? 

Services start at just $624 Ask the person who lost $300,000, and on her way to loosing more if our $1500 fee (in her case) was worth it? Or the client who found out her partner was still married and lied about his property, if our $416 was worth it?

FBI Dating & Romance Statistics

The first half of 2021 reported
1,800 scams with losses of: 

Average loss per complaint $74,111.

Source: FBI - IC3

Don't Be a Victim of
Romance Scams

romance scam investigators

ValiDate™ dating verification service.

We know what you need. We have helped hundreds of clients obtain verifiable information on the person you are dating, and fast. Time is of the essence!

  • Licensed expert advice

  • Secure, online process

  • Deep understanding of the unique challenges private clients face

Romance & Dating Detectives and Privacy Services

ValiDate™ helps people with romance and dating matters. We advise our clients in  Online dating, privacy while Online dating and verifying the person you date. We are romance detectives that offer privacy and protection from scammers. You can consult with ValiDate™ before, during, or after you start dating a person Online or offline, the old fashioned way.


We encourage everyone to take measures to anonymize themselves and protect their personally identifiable information when getting to know someone through Online dating. And, no matter who you date, or where you have met them, you should consider saving yourself a lot of heartache by having us conduct a confidential and discreet private investigation into the facts that they have shared with you.


We investigate romance scams from people you know little to very nothing about. We help you avoid the liars, scammers, sociopaths, narcissists, and sickos that are part of the Online dating scene.


Do not date send money to someone you have never met in-person. When we say in-person, we mean in flesh and blood, not video chats. If you have sent any money, contact us immediately. Do not send private photos. Learn how we can arrange your identity to be truthful yet obscured using our  privacy services to help you get the most privacy and greater success with Online dating and romance scam avoidance.

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